
A few years ago, we featured a project from CamDo customer Douglas MacAyeal, which featured a time lapse video that monitored an ice shelf in Antarctica to study ice shelf stability at McMurdo Station Antarctica.

We recently heard from Douglas that BlinkX will be used for another project in Antarctica. This time around, the location is the George VI Ice Shelf in Antarctica. They will be monitoring surface lakes that fill and drain as the polar seasons progress, as hundreds form here. They’ll be staying at a station called Fossil Bluff, which is run by the British Antarctic Survey.

  • 3 min read
We’ve been taking a break this week with our regular construction time lapse programming to highlight another amazing solution that we offer: our Drop Camera Underwater WiFi Inspection pack. While long term time lapse is our main focus, this smart solution also deserves some love. It is drastically improving our customers’ workflow - and that’s why we do what we do every day.
  • 3 min read
We talk a lot about creating construction progress videos. No matter what your role is within the project--builder, photographer, or principal--It’s a good thing to do for many reasons. With just a little extra planning and effort, you can make the footage you're already collecting work so much harder for you. Read on for the reasons that construction progress videos should be part of your project workflow. 
Last week, we featured the transformation of the derelict Carmelite Convent into the Chichester Free School. The team at Metropolis Visual did so many things right on this project. Not only did they create a stunning video highlighting the project, but they also created progress videos to allow the public to follow along with the progress.
CamDo customer Tomas Jurjonas of Metropolis Visual recently shared this 18-month Chichester Free School construction time lapse footage with us. The project was a demolition of the now derelict Carmelite Convent in Chichester, UK in order for the building restoration/construction of the Chichester Free School. And we’re not sure what we love more: the beautiful footage or the story of how it came to be.
How do solar panel and lithium-ion battery performance change with temperature? Read about the factors to consider in this blog post.
  • 5 min read
While time lapse photography can be easy, there are links in the chain that need to be considered. There are a few common mistakes that can ruin a project, if you’re not careful. Here are four of the common long term time lapse mistakes to avoid to ensure successful projects.

The wait is over. We announced that UpBlink was coming back in December. And now, it’s available for Pre-Sale. Our aim is to help streamline your long term time lapse workflow. And with UpBlink, we have! Now, get automatic image upload and remote site monitoring with UpBlink.

Video is highly effective. This is an undeniable fact. Whether it is because people have short attention spans or prefer engaging with moving images, video has become a marketing force that cannot be ignored. If you haven’t included video in your construction marketing strategy, it’s time to start. And we can help!
We love seeing customers successfully using our products for winter time lapse in the extreme cold. Nichaolas Holshouser recently sent us this beautiful time lapse. He captured it in Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina at 6,000 feet in elevation along the Blue Ridge Parkway. It covers January 20-21, during the eclipse. Temperatures dipped into the single digits (5F/ -15C as the low). The time lapse kit had already been in the field for two weeks prior to this.
  • 2 min read
While we’re not in the business of construction site security, it is top of mind for many of our customers. And it’s something we care about too. Customers occasionally bring this issue up during discussion of upcoming projects. It’s an important aspect of the process - and photography does have a role in ensuring your site is safe and secure.
  • 3 min read
Did you get a chance to catch Sunday’s Super Blood Wolf Moon total lunar eclipse? It was a pretty incredible sight. And of course we were interested in checking out all of the great time lapse videos that captured the amazing lunar event. While we’re not in the business of astro time lapse, it’s no secret that we’re fans. Time lapse is such an amazing medium to view the the events of the world around us… on land, in water or in the sky!
  • 1 min read

