3 Problems with Regular Cameras if used for Long-Term Time Lapse: Are they costing you more?

Time-lapse cameras are great for showing the progress of construction projects, but not all cameras are the same. We often hear from first-timers they think a regular camera will work fine for long-term time lapse like construction projects. However, these cameras can have hidden problems that could cost more than expected. Here are three flaws to watch out for in generalist time-lapse cameras and how the costs add up.

1. Not strong enough for bad weather

Regular timelapse cameras can work fine inside, but construction sites are hard places. There can be heavy rain, strong winds, and a lot of dust. Regular cameras are not made to deal with these tough conditions.

The Hidden Cost: These cameras are likely to break down or get damaged, which would slow down your project and cost more money. A camera designed for outdoor use can handle bad weather, saving you time and hassle.

2. Unreliable Power

Most regular cameras are designed for quick projects at the most. They do not have to stay turned on or do not have to be powered on and off consistently. They also tend to run on batteries that need to be replaced or charged, which can get quite frustrating and lead to missed shots.

The Hidden Cost: You could lose important footage if the camera runs out of power, and you might spend more money attending the site just to charge it. A camera with a reliable power source, like solar energy, will save you from this problem.

3. Lack of Storage and Backup for Long Projects

Generalist cameras usually don’t have enough space to store the huge amount of data that a long-term project needs. They also don’t have smart ways to manage data, like saving files to the cloud automatically.

The Hidden Cost: If the camera runs out of space or files get damaged, you could lose important footage. This usually means missing shots or might mean having to reshoot parts of the project, which costs time and money. Using a camera that can store data properly and back it up automatically will help avoid this issue.

Conclusion: Are You Really Saving Money?

While regular cameras seem to be a bargain upfront, their hidden problems multiply the costs rapidly. With the selection of the right camera to suit construction sites, you could avoid these additional expenses and make sure that your project functions well. In time-lapse photography, choosing the right camera makes all the difference!

CamDo's Solution

CamDo takes pride in designing time-lapse systems for long term time lapse like construction projects. Our system has weatherproof designs and strong cases, so it can work in tough conditions. We have solar-powered choices that provide constant power for long projects, so you don't have to worry about stopping work. Also, our CloudX platform has automatic data management features that protect your videos and make them easy to access, so you won't worry about running out of storage or losing data.

With CamDo, you have a reliable tool at your fingertips that captures every phase of your project without the normal issues encountered with ordinary cameras.

Contact us today to learn more!

