5 Advanced Tips to Master Time-Lapse Photography in Extreme Weather

As the cold and rainy season approaches, it's a good time to review strategies for protecting your construction time lapse projects. In this post, we’ll explore strategies, equipment, and real-world case studies to help you tackle the most challenging weather conditions.

1. Weatherproofing Techniques

While a high IP-rated enclosure is crucial, you can go beyond basic protection. You can consider custom-built enclosures tailored to your specific needs. Here are some tips to make your enclosures more durable. 

Adhere neoprene or other insulating material to the inside of the enclosure case;

  1. Wrap the external battery in insulation;
  2. Use a higher-output solar panel to power a small heater inside the enclosure;
  3. If you have external power to the camera, install a small heater into the enclosure; and/or
  4. Switch to lead-acid batteries instead of lithium-ion, which can operate at a lower temperature.

Here is a blog that goes into more detail on all weather tips and tricks. 

2. Upgraded Battery Solutions

Battery life and performance are important parts for extended projects in extreme weather. 

High-capacity batteries can be temperature-resistant for harsh environments. These batteries offer longer life and better performance in cold weather.

Battery Management Systems: Implement battery management systems that monitor and regulate battery health, providing alerts when maintenance or replacement is needed.

3. Specialized Lens Protection

To address issues beyond basic lens protection:

Anti-Ice and Anti-Snow Coatings: Use advanced coatings designed to repel ice and snow accumulation. These products help maintain clear visuals even in the harshest conditions.

Automatic Lens Cleaners: Consider automatic lens cleaning systems that periodically wipe the lens to keep it free of water spots and debris.

4. Enhancing Image Quality in Low Light and Harsh Conditions

For better image capture in challenging conditions:

High Dynamic Range (HDR) Cameras: HDR technology improves image quality in scenes with a high contrast between light and dark areas, which is useful for overcast or variable lighting conditions.HDR is available in the GoPro settings, and CamDo Camera Packs are compatible with various GoPro cameras. Check it out here.

5. Real-World Case Studies

Learn from others who have successfully managed time lapse photography in extreme weather: Case Study - Arctic Construction Project. A look at how our customer, Douglas MacAyeal, a Glaciologist/professor at the University of Chicago, used BlinkX (now UpBlink) in a project that studies surface melting and climate change effects on the George VI Ice Shelf located on the Antarctic Peninsula, detailing the custom solutions they employed to deal with extreme cold and ice. Read morehere.

Time lapse photography in challenging weather conditions requires advanced techniques, upgraded equipment, and innovative solutions. Applying these strategies and learning from real-world examples ensures that your time lapse footage remains clear, reliable, and impactful, regardless of the weather.

If you have any questions or need assistance with time-lapse solutions, don’t hesitate to reach out.Explore our range of products and solutions, orcontact us today to discuss your specific needs and how we can help.

