CloudX - Online Time Lapse Platform Subscription


Online time lapse platform for:

Camera status, remote monitoring & simple time lapse creation!

  • Camera Status | Remote Monitoring | Cloud storage |
    Easy Time Lapse Movie Generation

    buildHow does it work?

    CloudX is a state of the art online time lapse platform, allowing you to monitor your time lapse camera from a browser anywhere in the world.

    question_answerWhat does it do?

    If you have purchased the CamDo UpBlink scheduler/controller, you can login for remote status monitoring of your devices. View a list of heartbeat status for each day confirming:

    • Latest image captured
    • SD Card space remaining
    • # of photos and video taken since last email

    There is also flexibility in setting up multiple email addresses and a schedule of how often the daily status information should be emailed to you.

    In order to use this feature, UpBlink, BlinkX or Blink must be near a WiFi access point with an internet connection(either an open WiFi network or WPA secure network - WEP secure networks are older technology and not supported).

    We also support a range of 3/4G modems you can plug into UpBlink. See the UpBlink product page and manual for more details.

    If you have purchased UpBlink, you can also upload your images to CloudX and get updated time lapse videos automatically created!

    account_circleSounds great, how do I get access?

    With every purchase of an UpBlink, you get a free 30-day trial to CloudX.

    All you need to do is enter your details into the user interface for your particular product (see the instructions for how to do this on our support pages here) and your free account will be automatically created. You will then automatically receive an email with your account details and how to login.

    For continued access, CloudX requires a subscription. The options, features and pricing are as follows:

    assignment Features and Pricing

    One month free to CloudX Plus is included with all compatible CamDo products so you can try it out. For the 12 month Pro Plan, get 12 months access and receive 20% off.



    Plus Max FTP

    Status Heartbeat


    Unlimited Unlimited



    Unlimited Unlimited

    Image Upload per Day


    200 800 Unlimited
    Cloud Storage 15 GB storage 100 GB storage 250 GB
    By customer
    Automatic Time Lapse Creation
    Review schedules remotely
    Update schedules remotely
    1 Month Access $69 $99 $159 n/a
    3 Months Access $207 $297 $477 n/a
    12 Months Access (20% off, limited offer) $858 $662 $1188 $950 $1908 $1526 n/a
    24 month access (New! 30% off, limited offer) $1656 $1159 $2376 $1663 $3816 $2671 n/a
    One off purchase n/a n/a n/a $599

    If you need enterprise pricing, more frequent uploads or larger storage, please contact sales@cam-do.com for pricing.

    CloudX Login Page

    camera_enhanceWhat cameras can I use?

    The platform is compatible with CamDo's UpBlink using GoPro HERO 5, 10+ or Sony RXOII cameras.

    assignment Anything else?

    Additional features we are working on:

      • Remote schedule updates (UpBlink only) - change the schedule from the comfort of your chair (Added Jan 2021)
      • After purchase, reach out tosupport@cam-do.com for the initial application of the subscription to your registered device.

  • Camera

    CloudX Heartbeat

    CloudX Upload






    coming soon coming soon
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Will Blink/BlinkX ever have the upload feature?

    No, however, UpBlink does!

    Can I change the settings of the schedule remotely?

    Yes! You can view your existing settings and for our Pro Plus subscribers you can change the settings remotely through the CloudX platform.

    I have multiple UpBlink units, do I need to have a subscription for each one?

    Yes, each registered unit requires a subscription in order to upload images onto the account. However, the storage space is shared between devices.

  • General support can be found on our Support pages here.

Product Codes: 
Pro - SCS07 (3month) / SCS08 (12months)

Product Codes: 
Pro - SCS07 (3month) / SCS08 (12months)

