Go Pro Windows App : WiGO Software

Product Code: SWI01




We're always trying to improve our products. Please click here to answer a few questions about our WIGO application.


WiGo is a Windows application designed to communicate withGoPro WiFi enabled cameras that can be used to change the camera settings, preview the image, and download photos and videos directly to your PC from the SD card.

Shortly after the iPhone application was released by GoPro, a number of enterprising individuals began to catalog the WiFi commands sent from that app to the GoPro Wifi BacPac. They were generous enough to share their observations on theGoPro User Forum. In particular,dough29 contributed enormously to the task of documenting theList of GoPro Wifi BacPac Commands and has builtRemoteGo, an Android app to control the camera. This software builds on their work. Thank you.

WiGo does not require any installation.Download the WiGo.exe file to the folder you wish to use and run it. Your browser and Windows will warn you that this is unsafe. They are right. It is always risky to download an executable file from an unknown source. Never install WiGo or any other program if you are unsure of the source. If you download from cam-do.com, WiGo.exe is coming directly from the author. It does not contain malware of any kind.Never download WiGo.exe from any other site.



This is beta testing software. Use at your own risk. This software may damage your camera. The responsibility is entirely with the user. The author accepts no responsibility for any damage that may be caused by using this software.

  • View the WIGO User Manual>>


    Can WiGo be set up to automatically take pictures and upload them to a web site for remote viewing?

    No, that feature is not available in WiGo.

    What versions of Windows will WiGo run on?

    It has been tested on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows XP. There is no reason it shouldn't run on almost all Windows versions released in this century. SSID display and automated camera selection are only available in Windows 7 and 8. Users report that it works with the Windows 8Microsoft Surface Pro Tablet.

    Will it work with my camera?

    It works with all 3 versions of the HERO3 Cameras and the HERO2 with the WiFi BacPac accessory. There are some features that only work with particular cameras because of the features GoPro has included or the way they have configured their firmware.

    HERO3+ includes some new settings and status feedback that were not available in the previous cameras. WiGo works with the HERO3+, but not all settings. HERO4 and HERO5 is not supported.
  • What are the users saying about WiGo?

    Feedback has been almost 100% positive. Quite a few users have been happy enough to donate. For example, read these unsolicited emails:

    I'm just writing to thank you so so much for the WiGo... i`ve been for about a week or so trying to get the GoPro App through an android emulator for PC and was just about to lose my goddamn mind when I stumbled upon your website, and your wonderful wonderful software. Congratulations on developing this way before GoPro did, or should have done (still dont know why) but the program works amazingly. I don't know if you updated the software since the last time you posted any comments, but I have a HERO3 WHITE ED. and EVERYTHING worked perfectly !!!!! The Previews, the functions, the mode selection, the options selection....everything commanded through the software, the only issue that I believe is normal is the 2 or 3 second delay on the preview image !! but that is expected...and being what it is...even welcome...lol !!!!

    - Leonardo in Sao Paulo

    Your program fixed my HERO3 Silver blue light problem!!!

    Ever since I did the newest firmware update on my HERO3 Silver the blue WiFi lights don't work anymore. This started to cause a problem because you would never really know when the WiFi antenna was on or off. The WiFi button is very easy to activate by accident. It would turn on with out me knowing, rendering the camera battery dead when you wanted to use it. When the camera is off the only way to know the WiFi antenna is on was the blue light blinking.

    I found your program online wanting to connect my GoPro to my laptop via WiFi for streaming or just something neat to have.

    First of all, on my HERO3 Silver everything works perfectly!!!

    I was messing around with the settings for the LEDs in WiGo. Turned the LED setting off then on and now the blue lights work again!!!! Don't know how it fixed it, but it did and has worked ever since.

    Now I know when the antenna is really on or off again.

    Thank you thank you thank you for such an awesome program. Your time is much appreciated.

    I will certainly mention this awesome program and website to my fellow users and also suggest a donation to your efforts.

    Thanks again!

    - Josh

  • Tips & Troubleshooting

    Streaming video is delayed or cuts off after a few seconds.

    The delay is normal and is part of the GoPro implementation.

    Some users have reported the streaming working without problems. Others seem to have it stop intermittently. Make sure the firmware in the camera is up-to-date and installed properly. Sometimes a manual install fixes problems after GoPro's automated install has appeared to work. Make sure you are using the latest version of VLC. Restart your computer after updating VLC. WiGo does no more than pass the address of the camera's streaming feed to VLC.

    One VLC setting that improves streaming is under VLC - Tools - Preferences - Input & Codecs - Default Caching Policy - select Lowest Latency. There are a lot of settings which can be optimized and perhaps a VLC guru can tell us the best combination.

    I see the SD Card on the HERO3 Black but there are no image files.

    The latest firmware from GoPro for the HERO3 Black disabled the image file display on the camera's web server. It is possible torun a SOBM script on your SD card which will modify the firmware in the camera to show the files.

    Is it possible to capture the streaming video or forward it via the internet?

    Yes, it is. It can be done using the features of VLC or with utilities such asFFmpeg andFFplay. TechAnswerGuy hasblogged about the process and gmore70 has created atutorial video showing how to stream GoPro video on YouTube and UStream.

    How can I extend the range from my camera to my computer?

    There are several ways to do this. One is to use arange extender, which repeats signals from the computer to the camera and vice versa.

    Can I control multiple cameras with one computer?

    There are several ways to do this.WiGo Pro can access multiple cameras and upload photos using FTP with a single WiFi adapter by accessing them sequentially or control multiple cameras connected to separate WiFi adapters bychanging the camera IP address.

    Known Bugs

    The video mode settings are incomplete. Some video mode settings work on some cameras, but the complete set of mode values for all of the cameras has not been implemented at this time. Some mode settings may be incorrect on some camera models and work correctly on others.
  • What is your return/exchange/warranty policy?

    A: We have a 15 day return policy for unused products. Product must be in original packaging and in new condition. For orders (over $1,500) and/or physically larger items (e.g. enclosures), a restocking fee of 10% will apply. Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer.

    If the product is opened or used, the product can be returned within 15 days (except SD Cards and GoPro cameras which cannot be returned once opened). A 20% restocking fee will apply for refurbishing opened product. Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer.

    If you are having trouble with the product, make sure you check our support area on the website for our Quick Start Guides and Product Documentation. Should you need additional help please contact support@cam-do.com however, please ensure you have submitted all of the information in the form first as our support team will ask for this information on our first reply email and it will save time: https://cam-do.com/search?type=page&q=ticket+support&view=search-support&submit=Search

    Should you consider the product be faulty you can request to return the product within 6 months for our assessment. If the product is confirmed to be faulty by CamDo, return shipping costs will be refunded along with a full product refund (except SD Cards and GoPro cameras which cannot be returned once opened). Should the returned items be confirmed functional, a 25% restocking fee will apply to the refund. To initiate a return or exchange, please contact support@cam-do.com to receive an RMA number. Do not ship a product back to us without an RMA number. We will examine all returned items to confirm their condition and contact you regarding the status of your refund. Upon acceptance, please allow 2-3 weeks for the refund to process once the item is received.

    We cannot support IT/wifi network/router/modem issues as there are too many variables. Please talk to your IT department/specialist/support team.

    Any dismantling or modification(s) to CamDo products will void any warranty and cannot be returned.

    GoPro products:HERO5 camera warranty issues are to be handled directly with CamDo. Any warranty issues with HERO6, HERO7, HERO8 and HERO9 cameras are to be handled directly between the customer and GoPro USA. Check out their warranty page here.

    LumeCube products: Any warranty issues with LumeCube products are to be handled directly between the customer and LumeCube USA. Just email support@lumecube.com and they will take it from there. Check out their warranty page here.

    Both GoPro and LumeCube are very responsive and is how their distribution model works - it is much quicker to get warranty response by emailing them directly.


    CamDo equipment is not fault-tolerant and not designed, manufactured or intended for use in extreme temperature or weather conditions, security surveillance, life support, emergency situations, hazardous or mission critical activities. You use CamDo equipment at at your own discretion and risk.


    The replacement warranty is as per the warranty section above. In addition, the replacement warranty is the whole and sole liability for the product. There are no other warranties, expressed or implied. Use of CamDo products confirms your agreement that CamDo Solutions Inc and its distributors will not be liable for any damages from or relating to CamDo Solutions Inc products. Please also note the Equipment Performance Limitations above.


