Improve Construction Worker Safety and Productivity

Avoid injuries and deaths by automating the collection of unsafe conditions to inform your safety teams with Jobsite Intelligence.

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Safety is the priority


On average, 773 safety incidents occur EVERY day on construction sites, with each incident costing $57,000.

It's not surprising, then, that the Construction Industry accounts for 20% of all workplace deaths.

Safety Managers can't possibly see all of the job sites all of the time. They need a better process for collecting unbiased photos automatically.


Safety Triangle studies have proven that unsafe conditions and near-miss incidents are predictors of lost time injuries, serious injuries, and deaths.

  The Solution

Automate the collection of visual data at the bottom of the Safety Triangle to help avoid the major incidents at the top with Jobsite Intelligence. We're the first with an integrated solution by combining our proprietary IoT cameras with Computer Vision (AI). It is also the first in the industry to address both safety and productivity at the same time.


Our UpShot cameras are easily installed on the inside of a project in large quantities.

Computer Vision

We then use computer vision to extract visual data and deliver insights.


Then the insights are presented real time in a dashboard, allowing site teams to get alerts, take action, and make improvements at daily safety meetings.

Save time and money with an all-in-one cost-effective, single-vendor product.


Reduced Costs

Decrease insurance costs through increased safety vigilance.


Capture unbiased Safety Triangle images automatically.


Easily and continuously monitor your jobsite remotely.

Improved Process

Images integrated into your construction management platform, streamlining safety reporting.

Improve Response Time

Role-based alerts/reports for corrective actions.

Proactive Safety

Catch safety issues before they occur, and get a pulse with worker and machinery tracking.

86% of large General Contractors agree that prompt and thorough incident and near-miss investigations are essential.

  • Unbiased and automatic image capture improves the process of reporting at the bottom of the Safety Triangle.

81% of all General Contractors agree that regular meetings on safety with jobsite workers and supervisors are essential.

  • Our Computer Vision system provides real data to inform your daily toolbox safety meetings.

Safety by the numbers

Integrates with leading construction platforms

Your images will automatically be accessible in your construction management software or receive a daily summary report in your inbox to make safety reporting easy.

Ready to improve productivity on your project?

Submit this form to speak with a member of our sales team so that we can better understand your needs and to learn how Jobsite Intelligence will benefit your project.