Construction Cameras - How To Time Lapse

We have summarized our extensive How To Time Lapse - Tips, Tricks and Other Issues to Consider article into this short presentation for your viewing pleasure.

It looks like there are a lot of issues to consider - and there are - but we at CamDo make it easy with our construction camera solutions - we worry about most of the detail so you can just plug it in and get going. But it's good to have a basic understanding of what your desired outcome is so basic decisions like what time interval between shots are well informed!

All the basics of Construction Time Lapse Cameras are covered including:

  • Planning your shoot
  • Time lapse calculator
    • How long is the shoot?
    • How many frames?
    • Length of the final clip
    • Interval between shots for different scenes
  • How much memory do I need?
  • How much power do I need?
  • What camera should I use?
  • What camera settings should I use including ISO, white balance, shutter speed and aperture?
  • GoPro capabilities
  • What other gear do I need?
  • Image retrieval



